Indulge in an oasis of calm and comfort amidst the bustling city at Sobha Orbis, a new luxury complex by Sobha Realty located in the vibrant area of Motor City. Comprising three skyscrapers, the complex features a range of 1 and 1.5-bedroom apartments with balconies, ranging in size from 850 to 990 square feet. Some residences will include a storage room and dressing room, while the 1.5-bedroom apartments will feature a home office or study room, an important feature for those studying or working remotely. The elegant residences at Sobha Orbis will be designed in a soothing palette, with panoramic windows offering stunning views of the surroundings. The kitchens will be equipped with a gas oven, stove, refrigerator, hood and dishwasher from Bosch or any other premium brand.