Welcome to Insurance House

Insurance House offers a wide range of affordable, high-quality products and services that meet international standards, comply with local requirements, and encompass both conventional and specialized insurance classes.


Asia Insurance Provided:

Property Insurance
Health Insurance
Engineering Insurance
General Accidents
Aviation Insurance
Marine Insurance
Travel Insurance
Motor Insurance
Energy Insurance

Property Insurance

There are two categories of cover under this product in which one can insure property.

The basic being the cover against the losses &/or damages due to Fire and lightning only.

The additional cover is against losses &/or damages due to Fire, lightning and Allied Perils.

Both categories share similar terms however, the additional coverage of Allied perils has a different rating. Above the basic cover, a client can benefit from the insurance against losses and/or damages due to Burglary.

The Sum Insured may be either on the basis of the actual value or the new replacement value of the property but should be adequate to cover the total exposure. The customers should be able to provide the amount Insured and may seek help of our underwriters to asses this value.

Determining the Sum Insured is very crucial and needs to be given accurately in order to avoid the application of the average clause in case of a claim.

The rate chargeable is always applied on "Per Mille" basis (for every thousand units) on the Total Sum Insured and is very dependant on the nature of risk, location and the housekeeping.
A deductible will apply on each and every loss in addition to other conditions
Burglary is unfortunately more traumatic than people think; nevertheless you can have the peace of mind by securing your property against the risks of burglary. The Burglary Insurance is availed in conjunction with the Fire & Lightning or Fire and Allied Perils in either combined or separate contracts the later of which would require that a Fire insurance policy be in force. This also includes damage to property contained in your premises by acts of Burglary and or Housebreaking.

The Burglary insurance covers losses and/or damages due to "Housebreaking". This means: - Theft of property from Insured's Premises following upon felonious entry to the said premises by violent and forcible means or,

- Theft by a person in the premises who subsequently breaks out by violent and forcible means provided there shall be visible marks made upon the premises at the place of entry or exit by tools, explosive electricity or chemicals.

The Sum Insured may be either on the basis of the actual value or the new replacement value of the property but should be adequate to cover the total exposure. The Insured should be able to provide the sum Insured but may seek help of our underwriters to determine how to do so. There is also an opportunity for insuring goods/stock on First Loss Basis. Determining the Sum Insured is very crucial and needs to be given accurately in order to avoid the application of the average clause in case of a claim.

The rate chargeable is always applied on "Per Mille" basis (for every thousand units) on the Total Sum Insured and is very dependant on the nature of risk, location and the housekeeping. A deductible will apply on each and every loss for each and every loss in addition to other conditions.
Under "Property All Risks" Insurance the Policy indemnifies the Insured for accidental physical loss of or damage to the Property Insured whilst situated at the premises described in the policy. This will include loss or damage by Fire, Lightning, Aircraft, Explosion, Earthquake, Strike, Riot, Civil Commotion, Malicious Damage, Storm, Tempest, Flood, Bursting or Overflowing of Water Apparatus (including Sprinkler Leakage), Impact by Own Vehicles, Theft or Attempted Theft (by violent and forcible entry to or exit from the premises) and Accidental Loss or Damage.

The coverage is usually provided for a period of one year. The Sum Insured may be either on the basis of the actual value or the new replacement value of the property but should be adequate to cover the total exposure. The Insured should be able to provide the sum Insured but may seek help of our underwriters to do so. Determining the Sum Insured is very crucial and needs to be given accurately as to avoid referring to an average in the event of a claim.

The rate chargeable is always applied on "Per Mille" basis (for every thousand units) on the Total Sum Insured and is very dependant on the nature of risk, location and the housekeeping. A deductible will apply on each and every loss in addition to other conditions.

Unfortunately its likely for businesses that have suffered from physical disasters to sustain interruption that affects its ability to operate. Although the business stops due to this calamity, there are certain standing charges that will independently continue irrespective of the situation that the insured is placed in. These expenses such as bank interests, employee's salaries, rent, electricity and other standing charges will still need attention in addition to the loss of revenue.

This results in a loss of gross profits due to reduction in turn over and increased cost of working during the period of interruption. For the "Business Interruption" insurance to operate, it is compulsory that there is a Property All Risks or Fire Insurance Policy in place This cover takes into consideration the following aspects, which should be addressed when opting for this cover, as follows:

1. Gross Profit
2. Net Profit
3. Standing Charges
4. Annual Turnover
5. Limit and period of Indemnity
There are two types of Deductibles both Monetary and Time applicable under the "Business Interruption" insurance for each and every loss in addition to a number of other Conditions.


GROSS PROFIT The amount by which the sum of the value of the turnover and the value of the closing stock exceed the sum of the value of the opening stock and the amount of the specified working expenses. The values of the opening and losing stocks shall be arrived at in accordance with the Insured's normal accountancy methods, due provision being made for depreciation.

NET PROFIT The Net Trading Profit (exclusive of all Capital receipts and accretions and all outlay properly chargeable to Capital) resulting from the business of the Insured at the premises after due provision has been made for all standing and other charges including depreciation.

STANDING CHARGES Interest, Rent, Bank Charges, Insurance Premium, Advertising, Printing, Stationery, Electricity, Traveling Expenses, Maintenance of Plant and Machinery, Depreciation of Building, Plant and Motor Vehicles etc.

ANNUAL TURNOVER The Money paid or payable to the Insured for goods sold and delivered and for services rendered in course of the business at the premises.

LIMIT AND PERIOD OF INDEMNITY Whilst the period of insurance is 12 months, the indemnity period differs. This would depend on the period the insured would feel necessary to prepare to come back to the position they were before the loss in terms of both property and trading. Reasonably the periods would be anything between six and eighteen months. However, it would basically be worked out based on the Indemnity amount payable by the insurers which will be in respect of :

Reduction in Turnover

Increase in cost of working
The rate chargeable is always applied on "Per Mille" basis (for every thousand units) on the Total Sum Insured (Gross Profit) and is very dependant to the period of indemnity, nature of risk, location and the housekeeping.
Operate At Your Optimum ….
If you are a business owner, you work hard to see your business blooming because it is a symbol of your achievement in life. But in practical sense, it is also a vital source of income for you and your family, so you strive to achieve a sustainable profit and growth.

You know exactly what it takes to get your company off the ground and what it takes to keep running successfully. Long hours of hard work, determination, planning, training and investment are a part of your everyday life.

But what if something happens and disrupts the growth or even simply the regular operations of your business? What if damages occur as a result of an unexpected accident or natural disaster?

We believe that it is not just about replacement or repairing lost or damaged items. It is about repairing your business and getting it back to where it was.

Asia’s Business Guard insurance policy provides an outstanding protection and gives you a peace of mind, knowing that your life achievement "YOUR BUSINESS" is well protected and secured.

Fire, lightning and Explosion.
Fire workers actions during extinguishing the fire.
Earthquake, Storm and flood.
Strikes, riots & civil commotions (S.R.C.C).
Vehicles and animal impacts.
Aircraft impact or other aerial devices or articles dropped there from.
Bursting of fresh water pipes, tanks or apparatus or overflowing of fresh water tanks.
Malicious act, except by members of Insured’s household or any in his service.
Debris removal.
Third party Liability.
Breakage of plate glass.
Alternate accommodation & Loss of rent.
Lock Replacement.
Money Insurance.
Personal accident (Fatal injury or death caused by Fire/Burglary).
Your Home Is Your Life…
If you are like most people, you’ve spent a considerable amount of time and money to make your home look beautiful and feel comfortable to you, your family and your guests.

Such investment cannot be measured – "The role that your home plays in your life is priceless".

Therefore, you may think that serious damage to your home could never happen to you – but think again.

Common home accidents include fire, burglary, glass breakage or damage from bursting of water pipes – all causing severe damage that is expensive and inconvenient to repair.

You can’t predict what tomorrow may bring, but by taking the right step, you can at least be prepared.

Asia’s Home Guard insurance policy provides an outstanding protection and gives you peace of mind knowing that your most valuable asset "YOUR HOME" is well protected and secured.

Fire, lightning and Explosion.
Fire workers actions during extinguishing the fire.
Earthquake, Storm and flood.
Strikes, riots & civil commotions (S.R.C.C).
Vehicles and animal impacts.
Aircraft impact or other aerial devices or articles dropped there from.
Bursting of fresh water pipes, tanks or apparatus or overflowing of fresh water tanks.
Malicious act, except by members of Insured’s household or any in his service.
Debris removal.
Third party Liability.
Breakage of plate glass.
Alternate accommodation & Loss of rent.
Lock Replacement.
Personal accident (Fatal injury or death caused by Fire/Burglary).

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